Why should you care about excessively high credit union fees if they don’t affect you at Houston Highway CU?

Why should you care about excessively high credit union fees if they don’t currently affect you at Houston Highway CU?

When the credit union starts charging excessive fees, and it goes unpunished, what is to keep them from introducing more excessive fees that do affect you in the future?  Unjust excessively high fees need to be stopped right away before they out of control and hit you too.

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One thought on “Why should you care about excessively high credit union fees if they don’t affect you at Houston Highway CU?”

  1. These greedy scumbags require a $3000 balance which pays close to 0% interest, to avoid fees. An online account like Ally pays 1%, so you would EARN $30 per year with $3000 on deposit at Ally.com. They deserve to go out of business. Who in there right minds would have an account there. I got hit with fees, then decided to get smart and take what money I have left some where else.


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