File a complaint with the regulator – CUD/Credit Union Department against Houston Highway Credit Union

They are driving the credit union in the wrong direction with the $3000 minimum share savings balance to avoid fees.  Contact management of the credit union and their regulator, the Credit Union Department, based in Austin TX, to file a complaint.

File a Complaint Against a Credit Union

Filing a Complaint                                      Espanol

If you have a complaint against a Texas state-chartered credit union, we encourage you to first contact an officer of the credit union and attempt to resolve the complaint directly with the credit union.   If you are unable to resolve the problem in this manner, the Department may be able to assist you.   Complaints may be submitted by mail, email or fax to:

Credit Union Department
914 East Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 78752-1699
Phone 512-837-9236
Fax 512-832-0278

Complaint Form

Complaint Resolution

If your complaint brings a specific violation to our attention, we will take steps to ensure the credit union complies with applicable laws and regulations. However, the Credit Union Department cannot represent consumers in settling claims or recovering damages.

As a regulator, the Department does not own, operate or control credit unions, nor do we establish their operating policies and procedures.  As a result, we do not have the authority to overturn individual lending decisions made by credit unions, or dictate the range of services they offer.   The Department also cannot offer legal or accounting assistance as part of the complaint process.

Complaints caused by error or misunderstanding are often resolved voluntarily by the credit union.  However, many complaints stem from factual or contractual disputes between the credit union and the member.   If you and the credit union are unable to reach a mutually agreeable settlement in such a situation, only a court of law can impose a remedy and award damages.  We recommend you consult an attorney for guidance if you want to consider pursuing a legal remedy.


Si un miembro tiene alguna queja contra una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, el primer paso que debe dar es ponerse en contacto con un funcionario de la cooperativa y tratar de resolver el problema directamente. Por lo general, las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito tienen a sus miembros en alta estima y harán todo lo posible por ayudar a la persona. Sin embargo, si no es posible resolver el problema directamente, el Texas Credit Union Department (Departamento de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de Texas) puede ayudar.

Usted puede ponerse en contacto con el Departamento en la dirección postal, teléfono o dirección de Internet que aparecen a continuación para solicitar información acerca de cómo presentar una queja.

Texas Credit Union Department
914 East Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 78752-1699
(512) 837-9236

Solicitud de Quejas

El Departamento podrá brindarle ayuda si la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito ha violado alguna ley o reglamento, pero no cuando el miembro no está satisfecho con las políticas o prácticas de la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito sin que haya una infracción real de una ley o reglamento. Asimismo, el Departamento no está capacitado para resolver disputas concretas ni la mayoría de los conflictos contractuales.

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